Acupuncture is an oriental Health Care system which history can be traced back 2500 years. The theory of acupuncture is based on the premise that there are channels of energy (Qi) throughout the human body that are an essential part of normal health and well-being. Disruptions of normal energy flow are believed to be responsible for disease.
Acupuncture may correct imbalances of flow through an application of acupuncture needles and/or laser, body work and acupuncture modalities.
Acupuncture may be an effective tool in the treatment of the following diseases: acute and chronic pain (carpal tunnel, low back pain, sciatic pain, bursitis, hip/knee/foot pain, etc), arthritis, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, anxiety, stress, depression, chronic fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders and many more.
Acupuncture has gained popularity in recent years. Many illnesses that conventional medical methods fail to cure have been treated successfully with the use of acupuncture. Many experts are using acupuncture for treatment and co-treatment of cancer, AIDS, weight loss, smoking and drug detox. Acupuncture may be a great complementary medicine for all of us.