Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy is a health profession concerned with assessment, diagnosis and treatment of disaease and disability thru physical means.
Physical Therapist initially performs a comprehensive evaluation of joint motion, muscle strength, flexibility muscular and cardiovascular endurance and the ability to perform activities of daily living.
Physical Therapy individualized treatment program may include:
- Joint and soft tissue mobilization
- Myofacial traction
- Spinal traction
- Manual stretching
- Electrical stimulation
- Ultrasound
- Exercise programs
- Neuromuscular re-education
- Gait training
In Addition to the above modalities we also specialize in treatment of:
- Sport injuries
- Post surgical rehabilitation
- Low back pain and disc herniation
- Rotator cuff injuries
- Neck and shoulder dysfunction
- ACL and meniseal knee injuries
- Ankle and foot injuries
- Hip and sacroiliac dysfunction
- Neurological disorders